Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Do you believe in Heaven?

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking is of the idea that it doesn't exist. Does this apply to miracles,sainthood, resurrection?? What is your opinion??



  1. I imagine in itself Hawking's arguments are governed by (semi) immutable laws of physics and matters of faith as listed are undemonstrable and therefore he's correct in his assumptions...or is he?

  2. I do. There is a heaven. People who think that there is nothing beyond the six senses: the supernatural and have a strong belief in science tend to think otherwise. See that is where they cannot explain out of body experiences and witchcraft.

  3. Heaven is real because as 'christians' we believe so. It is a matter of faith which cannot be scientifically proven which is what Hawkins would like to do. He is comparing the life of a human being with a computer!! a machine!!!
    Its interesting that him being a living testimony that someone who has Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and has survived this long, has such opinions about heaven.

  4. I believe in a universal intelligence that the religious call God. The laws of physics, the rotation and revolution of the planets and their exact position, very existence if being suggest a universal intelligence. With that all, the fluxible 'intelligences' must in the end culminate in an ideal existence. I call this heaven. The question of moral is the only difference. Kamah
